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Washington DC, United States
Aik Wan Kok Fillali at Tiya represents companies, employers, individuals and families in U.S. immigration law in areas including, but not limiting to, green card, work visa and waiver matters. We also have a focus on self-petition green card cases such as extraordinary ability and national interest waiver, and employer-sponsored PERM labor certification; and all types of work visas such as Hs, Ls and Es. We represent clients within the U.S. and abroad. With decades of professional immigration law experience with excellent results, we are your best source of professional U.S. immigration law services. PLEASE VISIT OUR WEBSITES AT http://www.tiyaimmigration.com , http://www.immigrationresource.net AND http://tiyalaw.blogspot.com , THANK YOU.

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Eligible Employees and/or Job Seekers Can Now Perform Self-Check E-Verification

Eligible Employees and/or Job Seekers Can Now Perform Self-Check E-Verification

The U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) launched the first E-Verify Self Check on March 21, 2011. It is an innovative service that allows individuals in the United States to check their own employment eligibility status before they formally seek employment.

E-Verify Self Check is in addition to an employer E-Verify procedure; it does not replace the employer E-Verify procedure. The E-Verify program compares information from the Employment Eligibility Verification Form (I-9) against federal government databases to verify workers’ employment eligibility.

E-Verify Self Check is administered by the USCIS, in partnership with the Social Security Administration (SSA). USCIS is a division under the Department of Homeland Security (DHS). As of March 21, 2011, E-Verify Self Check is available to individuals who maintain an address and are physically located in Arizona, Idaho, Colorado, Mississippi, Virginia; or Washington, DC. The E-Verify Self Check is expected to expand to other states in the coming months.

E-Verify Self Check service is voluntary and free. Efforts are being made to ensure that E-Verify Self-Check is secure to use when it comes to users’ personally identifiable information and to prevent misuse of the service. Moreover, information that users provide during E-Verify Self Check and the results of an E-Verify Self Check will not be shared with users’ employers or prospective employers.

The E-Verify Self Check system allows each user to identify data inaccuracies, ranging from typographical errors to unreported name changes. Such inaccuracies, if not corrected, would result in a mismatch before a person seeks employment. E-Verify Self Check gives users the opportunity to submit corrections of any inaccuracies in their DHS and SSA records before applying for jobs, therefore, allowing workers to better protect themselves from potential workplace discrimination that could result from an employer’s abuse of the E-Verify system.

There are four steps to the E-Verify Self Check process:

1. The users will enter identifying information online (such as name, date of birth and address)
2. The users will confirm their identity by answering demographic and/or financial questions generated by a third-party identity assurance service
3. The users will enter work eligibility information such as a Social Security number and, depending on citizenship status, an Alien Registration number
4. E-Verify Self Check checks users’ information against relevant SSA and DHS databases and returns information on users’ employment eligibility status

By Aik Wan Kok Fillali, Attorney at Law, at Tiya PLC; Tel: 703-772-8224; koka@tiyalaw.com

www.tiyaimmigration.com ; http://tiyalaw.blogspot.com ; www.immigrationresource.net

We represent employers, and individuals and their families in green card and work visa matters in U.S. immigration law. We also have a focus on self-petition green card cases such as extraordinary ability and national interest waiver.

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This article is intended for informational purposes only, and should not be relied on as a legal advice or an attorney-client relationship.

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Green Cards

Work Visas L-V

U.S. Citizenship & Immigration Service

Work Visas: A-G


Work Visas H-T


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