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Washington DC, United States
Aik Wan Kok Fillali at Tiya represents companies, employers, individuals and families in U.S. immigration law in areas including, but not limiting to, green card, work visa and waiver matters. We also have a focus on self-petition green card cases such as extraordinary ability and national interest waiver, and employer-sponsored PERM labor certification; and all types of work visas such as Hs, Ls and Es. We represent clients within the U.S. and abroad. With decades of professional immigration law experience with excellent results, we are your best source of professional U.S. immigration law services. PLEASE VISIT OUR WEBSITES AT http://www.tiyaimmigration.com , http://www.immigrationresource.net AND http://tiyalaw.blogspot.com , THANK YOU.

Monday, April 19, 2010

Stranded in the U.S. due to the Icelandic Volcano Eruption? If so, please remember to apply for extension of your stay in the U.S.

The United States has granted special temporary relief to foreign nationals whose status in the U.S. are about to expire and who are stranded here because of the European airport closures due to the Icelandic Volcano Eruption.
Applicable foreign nationals who entered the U.S. under the visa waiver program (VWP) should contact either the U.S. Customs and Border Patrol office at the airport, or the local U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) office.

Applicable foreign nationals who entered the U.S. with a visa should file a request for extension of status with the regional USCIS office.

In order to comply with the U.S. immigration law and not to complicate or jeopardize future U.S. immigration benefits, foreign nationals who entered under the VWP or visas should be vigilant in not exceeding their period of authorized stay in the U.S.

By Aik Wan Kok, Attorney at Law, at Tiya PLC; Tel: 202-506-9767
www.tiyaimmigration.com ; http://tiyalaw.blogspot.com ; www.immigrationresource.net

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This article is intended for informational purposes only, and should not be relied on as a legal advice or an attorney-client relationship.

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Green Cards

Work Visas L-V

U.S. Citizenship & Immigration Service

Work Visas: A-G


Work Visas H-T


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